Sandeep Kaur Kuttal

Contact Me:

Email: skuttal @
Address: Engineering Bldg II Room 3264,
890 Oval Dr, Raleigh, NC 27606

Research Interests:

My research is novel and multidisciplinary. It straddles several areas - Human-Computer Interaction, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, End-User Programming, Gender Studies, and Empirical Evaluations.


I'm looking for self-motivated and hard-working Ph.D. students. If you are interested in my research, please email me a copy of your CV/Resume, including some samples or descriptions of your major projects.


Dr. Sandeep Kaur Kuttal is an Associate Professor at North Carolina State University where she directs the Human-Centric Software Engineering Lab. Currently, she is a visiting scholar and was Assistant Professor at The University of Tulsa, where she also directed the Human-Centric Software Engineering Lab. Her research combines Human-Computer Interaction, Software Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence. She focuses on the human aspects of software engineering by studying and modeling programmer behavior and then designing and developing mixed-initiative programmer-computer systems. Dr. Kuttal is a recent recipient of the NSF CAREER and AFOSR YIP awards. She also recieved a letter from the U.S. Senator James M. Inhofe, congratulating her for receiving the YIP award. She has received a best paper award at ACM CHI, best paper at ACM/IEEE ICGSE, and an honorable mention at ACM CHI. She is on the editorial board of the Journal of Computer Languages, steering committee member for the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), and acted as chair or program committee member at CHI, VL/HCC, HCII, ICSE, FSE, ASE, ICST, ICSME, CHASE, ICPC, and IUI. She is passionate about diversity and inclusion.

She is actively involved in diversity and inclusion through her teaching, research, and service. She was Vice President for Community Outreach as well as Professional Development at the Tulsa North-Eastern Oklahoma Society of Women Engineers (Tulsa SWE). At TU, she was the faculty advisor for the SWE, Young Professionals of TU, and National Center for Women in Information & Technology (NCWIT). Sandeep Kaur Kuttal has been invited to elementary, middle, and high schools to motivate students in STEM. These acts help in positively impacting the field of CS and engineering, increasing recruitment, and retention.


  • National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2021.
  • U.S. Air Force Young Investigator Program Award, 2021.
  • Honorable Mention, International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021 (4,500+ submissions).
  • Best Paper, International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016 (3,500+ submissions).
  • Best Paper, International Conference on Global Software Engineering, 2016 (350+ submissions).
  • First Prize for User-Centered Design, Global User Experience Career Summit, 2014.


  • Towards Seamless Collaboration: Redefining Human-AI Interaction in Programming at the ACM Tech Talk, December 2023.
  • IDEs as the Bridge: Connecting Humans and Code at the IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis & Manipulation (SCAM) and on Software Visualization (VISSOFT) Bogotá, Colombia, October 2023.
  • Bridging the Gap: Crafting Inclusive Pair Programming Conversational Agents for Human Collaboration at the Recent Advancements in Communication, Computing, and Artificial Intelligence, Mohali, India, October 2023.
  • Testing software: Challenges and hardships of non-traditional testers, presented at the International Workshop on User Interface Test Automation and Testing Techniques for Event Based Software at the International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Porto, Portugal, October 2020.

Invited Talks

  • User-Centric IDEs: Addressing Key Challenges and Innovations in Software Engineering, Imperial College London, London, U.K., September 2024.
  • Developers' Information Seeking in Question & Answer Websites through a Gender Lens, IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, Liverpool, UK, September 2024.
  • IDEs as the Bridge: Connecting Humans and Code, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2024.
  • Innovative Solutions in Human-Centered AI and Software Engineering: Insights form Human-Centric Software Engineering Lab, Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), Manaus, Brazil, July 2024.
  • IDEs as the Bridge: Connecting Humans and Code, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain and Open university, Netherlands, April 2024.
  • Agents-Programmers Collaboration: Opportunities and Challenges at “Panel: Is life going to change with ChatGPT? Opportunities and Challenges of Large Language Models,” HCI International conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2023.
  • Bridging Programmers' Collaboration Gaps with Intelligent Programmer-Centric Systems, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, May 2023.
  • Bridging Programmers' Collaboration Gaps with Intelligent Programmer-Centric Systems, University of Sydney, Sydney Australia, May 2023.
  • Designing PairBuddy - A conversational agent for pair programming, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Hamburg, Germany, April 2023.
  • Bridging Programmers' Collaboration Gaps with Intelligent Programmer-Centric Systems, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, USA, October 2022.
  • Inclusive Pair-Programming Conversational Agent meets Co-Pilot, GitHub Next and Microsoft Research Lab, April 2022.
  • Bridging Programmers' Collaboration Gaps with Intelligent Programmer-Centric Systems, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA, March 2022.
  • Visual Resume: Exploring developers' online contributions for hiring, IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 2022.
  • Bridging Programmers' Collaboration Gaps with Intelligent Programmer-Centric Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA, February 2022.
  • Bridging Programmers' Collaboration Gaps with Intelligent Programmer-Centric Systems, Colorado State University, Colorado, USA, February 2022.
  • Human-centric software engineering: Fostering effective collaborations, Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, India, October 2021.
  • How do end-user programmers forage in online repositories? An information foraging perspective, IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, St. Louis, USA, October 2021.
  • Designing conversational agents for programmers, Punjabi University, Patiala, India, October 2021.
  • Characterizing brain neural response in the same and mixed genders pairs, Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, December 2020.
  • Towards designing conversational agents for pair programming, Human-AI Collaboration Group, T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, USA, June 2019.
  • On the benefits of providing versioning support for end users: An empirical study, International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seoul, Korea, April 2015.
  • Variation management to enhance end user programming experience, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, February 2015.
  • Variation management to enhance end users' programming experience , University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 2015.

Discussion Panels and Invited Seminars

  • Theory of Programming, Dagstuhl Seminar, Germany, June 2022.
  • Career in Industry vs Academia, IEEE Education Society Kerala Chapter, India, May 2022.
  • Is Metaverse a Real Deal?, Bangkok University Life Talk, Thailand, March 2022.

In Press/Recognitions

Ph.D. and Post Doctoral Experiences

I received my Ph.D. student at the department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. I worked as a Research assistant in the Software Engineering group (ESQuaReD) under the supervision of Dr. Gregg Rothermel and Dr. Anita Sarma. I worked as Post Doctoral Scholar at the school of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Oregon State University, Corvallis and worked with Dr. Margaret Burnett. I am an Oracle 9i DBA Certified Professional.